Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Rain in... London?

I feel like I should stop being surprised when I wake up and it is below 50 degrees, raining and just miserable looking outside. It is London. Jet Lag is still on my tail and woke me up just after 7am this morning- but it made for a relaxing morning of calm reading before the big day of my pseudo brother- Kyle's graduation! Congratulations on graduation (outside) on the coldest day in June with the longest graduation ceremony I think I have EVER been too! It was only 6 hours later, plenty of nice British and American new friendships, Champagne on the soggy lawn, surrounded by TASIS (The American School in Switzerland- London) graduates, pictures and memories... that I realized I was so numb from the weather and beyond cold that I was finally able to have a conversation without my lips chattering. In all though, it was a wonderful ceremony, Ky-guy got the highest award the school gives (who's surprised) and we all cried.... Congratulations!

But as I was de-thawing back home in Ascot... my big passed on to me Gwyneth Paltrow's website and it seemed to make everything better... check out and I hope you are as delighted as I was...

Hopefully pictures to come!

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